小米被指记录用户的 Web 和手机使用数据

安全研究员 Gabi Cirlig 半开玩笑的说小米手机是带手机功能的后门。他发现小米公司在该公司生产的手机上收集了惊人的数据,这些数据被发送到小米在世界各地租用的服务器上。小米手机默认的小米浏览器会记录用户访问的所有网站,通过 Google 或 DuckDuckGo 的所有搜索查询词,在新闻源浏览的所有条目,即使使用隐身模式小米仍然会跟踪用户。手机还会记录用户打开的文件夹,切换的屏幕,包括状态栏和设置页。另一位网络安全专家 Andrew Tierney 展开了更进一步的调查,发现小米通过 Google 官方应用商店发布的浏览器 Mi Browser Pro 和 Mint Browser 会收集相同的数据。Cirlig 认为这是一起严重的隐私事件,有数以百万计的用户受到影响。小米的设备以低价但高配置著称,但用户付出的代价是隐私。对于这一发现,小米公司回应声称不真实。该公司发言人承认浏览器会收集数据,但表示数据是匿名收集的。Media



开始了开始了 黑公关已经开始了
Not bad
😂 QAQ55555555
开始了开始了 黑公关已经开始了
"uuid": "db6f8add-c401-4433-b2dc-d0473a1f716c",
"search_word": "i am searching for something highly sensitive",

When he looked around the Web on the device’s default Xiaomi browser, it recorded all the websites he visited, including search engine queries whether with Google or the privacy-focused DuckDuckGo, and every item viewed on a news feed feature of the Xiaomi software. That tracking appeared to be happening even if he used the supposedly private “incognito” mode.

The device was also recording what folders he opened and to which screens he swiped, including the status bar and the settings page. All of the data was being packaged up and sent to remote servers in Singapore and Russia, though the Web domains they hosted were registered in Beijing.


And there appear to be issues with how Xiaomi is transferring the data to its servers. Though the Chinese company claimed the data was being encrypted when transferred in an attempt to protect user privacy, Cirlig found he was able to quickly see just what was being taken from his device by decoding a chunk of information that was hidden with a form of easily crackable encoding, known as base64. It took Cirlig just a few seconds to change the garbled data into readable chunks of information.
