🇬🇧英國戰線|四成英國太陽能版被揭來自新疆 或成下一個人權炸彈】


根據美國顧問公司Horizo n Advisory早前一份報告,當中綜合所有公開記錄和中國媒體報道,顯示現時全球三分之一太陽能版原料多晶矽源於新疆地區,區內四大多晶矽製造商都與新疆強迫勞動有關,這四大製造商分別是全新能源、保利協鑫能源、新特能源、東方希望。這些廠商不但資助軍事化愛國主義教育的培訓,並與早前被美英加歐四國制裁的「新疆生產建設兵團」有合作。


報道指出,即使不少交易在2016年「新疆集中營」爆光前發生,但亦有不少協議最近才簽訂,如國防部近日公布在陸軍基地安裝80個太陽能發電廠,就用上了數千塊Trina Solar製造的太陽能版,《衞報》批評事件反映英國企業及政府對供應鏈的審查亳不認真。





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I would say 40% is actually surprisingly low, given that China supplies something like 80% of the world's polysilicon (https://www.nytimes.com/2021/04/20/business/economy/china-biden-solar-panels.html). Trade is an area where, if left to markets alone, not much will change, not fast anyway. Apart from addressing individual issues like this, the key is to demand that when international trade and investment agreements are negotiated, labor, the environment and human rights standards be integral and binding elements. The "original sin" is when neoliberal trade agreements were rammed through by Western governments in cahoots with business in the 1990s, entirely decoupled from labor, environment and human rights, creating the Frankenstein's monster that is China today.
I would say 40% is actually surprisingly low, given that China supplies something like 80% of the world's polysilicon (https://www.nytimes.com/2021/04/20/business/economy/china-biden-solar-panels.html). Trade is an area where, if left to markets alone, not much will change, not fast anyway. Apart from addressing individual issues like this, the key is to demand that when international trade and investment agreements are negotiated, labor, the environment and human rights standards be integral and binding elements. The "original sin" is when neoliberal trade agreements were rammed through by Western governments in cahoots with business in the 1990s, entirely decoupled from labor, environment and human rights, creating the Frankenstein's monster that is China today.
I should add that the Trans-pacific Partnership, which was seen as a way of shifting away from China, repeated the same mistakes as those WTO agreement of the '90s, by excluding sufficient labor provisions. As a result, Obama in the US faced intense opposition from within his own party before Trump killed it. Still, just in the last five years, both Western governments and businesses have really begun to see the downsides of business with China, and this is an opportunity to prevent future bad deals with the CCP. But as solar panels illustrate, in so many areas, the world has become so dependent on China as source of goods, it will take considerable effort and a long time to shift away from it. Many businesses have been burned so badly by China that, if they could, they would move, but few developing economies has arisen that can easily replace China as a source of low-cost high-quality goods.