🧩 Could you tell what each film name means and how each of these words is used? Give examples of your own.

⬇️ Comment your answers below. Can you add the name of any other film that could fit in our list?


- quarantine: to be kept apart from others /getting isolated
e.g. The new partridge which Alex had hunted yesterday, are kept in quarantine because of the bird flu outbreak. / The Chinese were quarantined in their homes for 2 months, cause of a viral disease.
- infection: The entry, growth and development of germs inside the body which might lead to a disease
e.g. Researchers have developed a dressing for wounds that is equipped with an early warning system for infection.
- epidemic: [It’s already been explained in posts above]
e.g. Epidemic typhus, can be transmitted by the human body lice.
- pandemic: [It’s already been explained in posts above]
e.g. Since ancient times, plague has spread to Europe, Asia and Africa many times and is known as a pandemic disease.
- Contagion: transmission
e.g. Contagion of diseases through the respiratory tract is super transmissible.
- outbreak: spread
e.g. Last week Samantha talked about the outbreak of violence in her neighborhood and said she has planned to move.
- carrier: vector, one passing a kind of pathogen to others
e.g. Getting severe depression, after coming to this realization that Ricky was carrier of AIDS.

Movies related to outbreak of disease: I’m legend- 28 days later