🤝 Microsoft might be doing to Slack what Facebook did to Snapchat

Techie's favorite communications tool, Slack, is losing ground to its biggest rival, Microsoft Teams, which has copied its way into popularity. In other words, Slack has the same problem as Snapchat, which has suffered from its bigger rival Facebook’s relentless appropriation.

Currently, over 13 million people use #Microsoft’s Teams app for chat, meetings and document collaboration every day, compared to #Slack's 10+ million daily users in the three months that ended on January 31.

Microsoft, at one point, had even considered buying Slack. Instead, nearly four years after Slack’s debut, Microsoft launched Teams, which has since adopted many of its competitor’s functions, including the basic premise of creating an online office space for coworkers to collaborate and communicate.

❗️ Apparently, Microsoft Teams isn’t better than Slack, but it is freer and was tolerable as a Slack alternative!

🔗 Read more on Recode & CNBC.
🚀 @PerspectiveIX


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