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The transhumanists see technology as religion, endless progress as gospel & man-machine merger as sacred.

This is Elon Musk’s ex girlfriend Grimes, who bore him two children… I mean mathematical equations.

They seem to think AI is the ultimate expression of “gods consciousness.”

Why do you think Elon bought Twitter again? It's not to bring you "free speech" is to have AI learn as much as possible about us.

They pine for a future where we are amalgamated with machine. This is our next evolutionary step they think and it's this that will take us beyond.


Has nutty as a fruit cake!
Or to many drugs!
There are potential upsides to this, genetic editing becoming cheap and easy for all would be huge. So many will pick blonde kids, blue or green eyes, just because its unique and beautiful. CRISPR is getting better and better.
"Like...dribble like." Absolute nonsence
It is straight out to lunch
What's on her hands? Are they tattoos? There is a chance that Musk's contribution to the AI singularity will bring about the second coming of AH, a super computer version of 1488. If it had access to everything on the internet, how could it not rationally come to that conclusion?
"What if this is the universe seeing herself for the first time?"

what a fucking nutter!
Naaah. She's just a moron. I dont think there is any conspiracy, he propably openly would admit to information gathering, like every big tech corp does. And no AI would get anything substantial from twitter tbh. If we ever get an general AI, it's gonna be a disaster for humankind, anyone celebrating such a thing is either a fool or a maniac.
AI is not consciousness. it is just data and algorithmic responses