. ...deep learning relies on sophisticated neural networks.

Python is the most common language used behind the scenes due to its extensive library and adoption within the academic community.

4. XML Sitemaps

XML sitemaps are like actual maps of your website, which let Google know about the most important pages, as well as which pages it should crawl.

If you have a dynamic site with thousands or millions of pages, it could be hard to see which pages are indexed – especially if all the URLs are in one massive XML file.

Now, let’s say that you have critically important pages on your site that must be crawled and indexed at all costs.

For example, the best sellers on an ecommerce site, or the most popular destinations on a travel site.

If you mix your most important pages with other less important ones in your XML sitemaps (which is the default behavior in most CMS-generated sitemaps), you won’t be able to tell when some of your best pages are having crawling or indexing issues.

Using Python scripts, however, you can easily create custom XML sitemaps that include only the pages you are interested in keeping a close eye on to deploy on your server and submit to Google Search Console.


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