5. Response Code Analysis

Links are still used as a signal by Google and other search engines and remain important for improving organic visibility.

It’s about quality, not quantity.

Links should be earned by great content on your site and how that content helps people solve problems – or how it offers products that can help solve problems.

Now imagine you had a critical page on your site – one that has a lot of links and ranks for thousands of keywords – and it becomes broken or has a 302 redirect and you did not know about it until you looked at your analytics and saw a drop in traffic and revenue.

Fortunately, there is a Python script called Pylinkvalidator that can check all your URL status codes to make sure you don’t have any broken pages or pages that redirect to another URL.

The only issue with this is if you have a large site, it will take time to do unless you download some optional libraries.

6. SEO Analysis

We all love SEO tools that provide a quick analysis of a page to see any SEO issue, such as:

Does the page have a good title tag or does it have a title tag at all?

Is the meta description missing or compelling enough to get a click?

Does the page have the proper structured data?

How many words does this page have?

What are most common phrases used on this page?

This Python SEO analyzer can easily identify issues on each page that you can fix and prioritize to increase your organic performance.

Wrapping Up

Automation is helping SEO professionals save time and be more efficient so we can focus on strategy to improve our client’s organic performance.

Python is a very promising programming language that can help automate time-consuming tasks so they are done in minutes – and with no or limited programming experience required.

As Google becomes more sophisticated with advancements in machine learning over time, more and more elements will be automated.

That’s why it’s important for SEO pros to get familiar with programming languages like Python that can help give them an advantage in time and efficiency.

The End...
See you next chapter 👀 😁


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