He was also a director at https://gicsr.org see waybackmachine https://web.archive.org/web/20120210153101/http://www.gicsr.com/board_of_directors.php which is interesting to note, because in the deposition Deborah Kobza
Chairman of GICSR Executive Director / CEO, she states Craig was never acknowledged as a board member, which is odd because in 2011 we see a news report on their website whereby one of the other directors worked as a chairman of csscs.org welcomes Craig onboard at GICSR as a board of director CHECK THIS https://web.archive.org/web/20120210154345/http://www.gicsr.com/pdfs/GICSR_PressRelease%20_%20Craig%20Wright_%20Austrlia.pdf
This becomes important in that they want to use the above to sell the idea that Craig has falsely acted upon gicsr as a director as well as using GICSR to open a trust, which Deborah knew nothing off. In 2014 Craig also went to a conference acting as a board member of the GICSR.
But then again if Deborah wasn’t even aware he was on the board, he probably was never taken off it either ………


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