This token was the first token created on enjin, erc1155.
It was Giveaway to 100 people in a competition organized by Coindreams.

The CRTS token will not change its name. There will be an update on the supply, it will go from 777,777 to 500,000.

The token will be exclusively on bep20. Binance Smart Chain 👍

If you hold the old tokens and you want to be eligible for the airdrop, you need to hold your CRTS into a compatible wallet. Example : Trust Wallet, Metamaskc C98 Wallet or other compatible wallets.

if you hold CRTS on a centralized exchange like txbit you will not be eligible for the airdrop.

🔜 for $CRTS
🔜 for NFT's

Im back soon, more info soon.

1 comment

I voted Yahnoo for this :)