​​📺 Lockdown: a Push from Audio to Video

We're still in the middle of the coronavirus pandemic, and it's difficult to fully grasp all its effects on how we're living our lives. We're still getting used to many changes we never expected to experience.

One takeaway from the current situation and the accompanying lockdown has been that, apparently, when we have to stay at home, we tend to move from listening to watching.

The big picture: A big chunk of audio consumption happens during daily commute where it's not possible — nor advisable — to look at screens. Of course, the lockdown has lifted this limitation and freed up the bandwidth we need to consume more videos by killing off the daily commute.

More details: According to Channel Factory, a global technology platform and official #YouTube partner, in April, consumers were heading to YouTube for "uplifting" content, and that usually meant music videos — or #TikTok and prank videos!
These downward revisions are happening where, for the last several years, digital audio consumption was experiencing steady growth.

On a personal level: My digital audio consumption habits have changed, but not precisely in this way. I have less time to listen to podcasts because that has been part of my daily commute routine.
However, since I have more time for my writing — and exercising — I do listen to more music on the background because I don't have to pay active attention to it.
I'm not the biggest fan of music video watching, so I can't comment on that part of the research.

🦅 @perspectiveix via eMarketer.

Has the lockdown changed your listening habits? How?


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