What is the H1 Tag and Why it is Important for SEO

Each page or post can have multiple headings. The <H1> HTML tag is usually used for the title of a page or post and it is the first header visible on a page. The formatting of an h1 usually differs from the rest of the header tags found on a page (h2, h3, h4).

In this post, you will learn what is a <H1> tag, why it is important for SEO and how to write a header tag that is both SEO and user-friendly.

What is an H1 tag?

Why is an H1 tag important for SEO?

H1 Tag SEO Best Practices

Examples of h1 tags

What about h2, h3, and h4 tags?

What are HTML heading tags?

What else can you do to improve your SEO?

What is an H1 tag?

The <H1> HTML tag is the first header tag visible on a page. It is used for the title of a page or post. When viewed in HTML code, the H1 value is enclosed in <h1></h1> tags.

To make the text stand out, the H1 tag is usually formatted differently than the rest of the page tags.

Look at the example below.

The H1 tag has the value of “On-Page SEO” and when viewed in HTML is looks like this: <h1>On-Page SEO</h1>

The easier way to understand the use of the H1 tag is to imagine that you are writing an outline of a large document. The main title of your document will be your <H1>, your main points the <H2> and sub-points the <H3>.


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