TDWeb (Webogram based on the library, TDLib) was updated to version 0.0.367

What's new:
— Ability to create polls when closing the window, create a survey, you receive confirmation of the action.
Preview stickerbomb displaying the Emoji character specific stickers.
The pop — up window with a user profile by clicking on his avatar in the group.
— The status of the connection to the server Telegram during authorization.
— Ability to go to the original post with forwarded messages.
— Display of ticks that have verified profiles, groups and channels.
— Tip stickers Emoji.
Library TDWeb was updated to 1.4.4 (used TDLib 1.4.1).
— Minor bug fixes and improvements.

#tdweb #update

This message was automatically forwarded and translated from @tginfo using Yandex


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