‏واکنش اکانت رسمی باشگاه چلسی به فوت سحر خدایاری

"فوتبال ورزشی برای همه است و ورزشگاه بابد برای همه باز باشد"

‎#دختر_آبی ‎#زنان_ورزشگاه ‎#سحرخدایاری



Master Trainer
Master Trainer
A religion that, by superstition and injection of ignorance, leads its followers from humanity to barbarism and stupidity, is a devilish religion! The vulgar and fake Shiite religion, born of the minds of some of the Zulusoft Mullahs, has taken away your human dignity and its sole purpose is to destroy human reason and wisdom. The creature that perceives the image is full of ignorance and superstition, and in its raw imagination, with this vile degradation, seeks favor and the illusory paradise which the mullah has drawn for him. We must send the mullahs to the landfill of history forever to obtain human dignity and eradicate superstition in society.