📝即時:英國政府放寬BNO簽證門檻 更多18至24歲年輕手足受惠】


🏃‍♂️ 截至2021年12月31日,總共有103900宗BNO簽證申請個案

📊 BNO簽證申請資格將會擴大至「容許18歲或以上人士,於1997年7月1日或之後出生,而最少一位父母擁有BNO護照獨立申請」(enable individuals aged 18 or over who were born on or after 1 July 1997 and who have at least one BN(O) parent to apply to the route independently of their BN(O) parent.)

📈 在現前BNO簽證安排中,這些年青個案必須以家屬(Dependent)的身份申請,以家庭為單位一同移民至英國。換言之,假如他們的父母不選擇移民,在1997年之後出生的是無法以BNO途徑獨立申請

🔈 在經過於英國的倡議團體,尤其是 Hong Kong Watch 香港監察的不懈努力後,英國政府終於正視眾多年輕手足無法受惠「救生艇」計劃的缺陷,並以人權準則放寬門檻。

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1 comment

Malfeasance & abuse of power🥔瀆職濫權
Canadian Civil Liberties Association🍁We welcome the government’s decision to revoke the proclamation of emergency – it is overdue. From the outset, however, we have stated that the government did not meet the legal thresholds set out in the Emergencies Act.
We continue to believe that there was an insufficient legal basis for resort to the Emergencies Act and that the orders the government passed under this legislation were unconstitutional.
We also continue to believe that it's important for the courts to comment on the legal threshold and constitutional issues so as to guide the actions of future governments.
Even though the orders are no longer in force, Canadians are left with the precedent.
加拿大公民自由協會🍁我們歡迎政府決定撤銷緊急狀態公告 - 早就應該這樣做了。然而,從一開始,我們就指出政府沒有達到《緊急情況法》規定的法律門檻。