More gruesome details were revealed at the press conference of the 13-year-old victim Leonie who was murdered in Vienna over the weekend. She was drugged, then raped. Two Afghans aged 16 and 18 were arrested, investigators suspect other perpetrators.


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Hans Dons
Look for media who remove race from their headlines and call them out as antiwhite.

They are complicit in these hush crimes because they push the antiwhite narrative where even Yale professors openly fantasize from the podium about killing whites.
The death penalty is the only just sentence.
Throughout my life I have seen young attractive women insist on being places and doing things that I would not do. They laugh when I warn them, but the world is a scary place. If you aren't aware of that, you aren't paying attention!
Mac MacReady
Her body was found just like 200 meters from where my profile pic was taken :(
To quote Barbera Spectre of the TRIBE "we must end the so called White race."
All non Europeans must be purged from Europe. Those who refuse to leave should be shot on site and shipped back to where they came from. End this Commie/Globalist nonsense.
Nenad Nikolic
30 years ago there was a little war fought in the Balkans, mostly against Christian and Muslims groups. One Christian side, tried to earn Europe and the West that if islamic expansuon wasnt checked first in Bosnia and later Kosovo, islamic fundermentalism would grow unchecked and spread to the west. But the western political establishment and msm, chose to call the Christian side, (we all know who they are) as the agressors, and to this day still try to vilify them. While they potrayed the muslim side as victims, even though in reality it was completely the opposite. So now the "chickens have come home to roost" as now the west is experiencing exactly what was predicted back then.
Nenad Nikolic
Believe me i experienced a lot of hostility back then from ordinary western folks, even though i wasn't even living in western Europe, but in Australia, i was along with my community subjected to hate by the common citizens of the west, by association and easily recognised by my name. The same people complaining now, were in most cases the biggest supporters of the muslims back then, as a form of global solidarity against hate, thinking that the muslim mentaility was the same as western beliefs. And yes that poor young girl is a victim not only of those animals who murdered her, but the criiminals in the government and media, and the naivety of ordinary western people of islamic ideology.
The real blackpill is that nothing will change. The perpetrators will be given a mild sentence and most girls will still not see the danger due to their massive indoctrination. Some people will never wake up.
Those BASTARD pseudo Islamists deserve to be beheaded themselves! Real Islamists like myself would volunteer for that
Clemens Metternich
Norman Jonah
They should be executed.
Her parents will be forced to pay for the upkeep of their childs murderers for the rest of their lives.