Hello allcoiners.
From now you can cash out your command miner earnings in Bitcoin or in Monero. (No fees)

Happy mining ⛏️⛏️⛏️⛏️


Semeinon Moyo
What is the minimum hash amount to withdraw
Great Allcoins
Pls I keep getting logged out and it doesn't log me in again... Till after a long while. Please fix this issue. Thank you
I never received the coins I deposit is there a way I can get help I am not level 5 so I can not use the chat
theopowei theopowei
How can I earn from this website??
I'm new
I claimed yesterday, received tonight.
I live in iran and some page were filtered so i can not complete process in claim page so i can not claim more. Vpn and proxy is not allowed, what am i going to do? What is the solution?
I'm getting a server error. Anyone have problems?
because I can not enter my account?
alhad muhardi
hallo,,how long is withdraw proses
alhad muhardi
hello admin ,, why my withdrawal is still pending for 2 days, I quickly deposit in, please process it immediately
alhad muhardi
how long is the withdrawal period for a regular wallet
Semeinon Moyo
MY cash out to BTC is not showing from the command miner please do assist
So can anyone tell me how to answer the questions in the chat on the website
Registration doesn’t work
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