No surprise that fewer Americans want to risk their lives for meaningless wars fought on behalf of greedy politicians and their special interests.


Who would I serve with? That's the first important question to me. I wouldn't go to war, surrounded by transgender colleagues to protect me in emergencies. And yes, fighting for an insane nation isn't worth it in my opinion.
They have to increase salaries then people will come
Mader Reiner
It’s not the meaningless wars it’s the walking on high heels with rainbow flags, the male generals in dresses, and all the other nonsense.
Zlatan Brathahn
I guess meaningless nails it. Really.
In wartime it wouldn't be surprising, but it's peacetime. The system is abolishing itself.
It seems increasingly obvious the army has historically been used to decimate the ranks of conservative, god fearing and patriotic folk. Cannon fodder for the lefties in charge.
They have to increase salaries then people will come
They're down to promising refugees Citizship to join Billions for weapons and big business while military families live in food stamps and section 8 housing.
The Sheeple are catching on when Politicians say we THANK you for your service they step from the podium before saying SUCKERS. Bush Trump Cheny Bolton all Draft Dodgers all War Hawks.
No, it's no surprise.
Jon Doe (Pureblood)
Why the hell would you join the military when your employer think's your a white supremacist oppressor?
Not to dismiss it or anything but that is an article from 2019

Still one has to wonder if you don't have a volunter army then what are the alternatives. Conscription? Or more likely just more funding to 'private' armies which I have to admit does not seem like it would end well. Let us no forget Blackwater, renamed as Xe Services in 2009 and known as Academi since 2011

> The company received widespread notoriety in 2007, when a group of its
employees killed 17 Iraqi civilians and injured 20 in Nisour Square,
Baghdad, for which four guards were convicted in the U.S., but later
pardoned on December 22, 2020 by President Donald Trump.
This is a good thing, they seize power by stealing elections but cannot defend what they have because nobody is willing to fight and die for their leftist agenda. They will soon learn when they lose a few battles and it costs several hundred thousand battles. They will change their ways at that time because they have to
2019 was actually a particularly good year for army recruitment, but this wasn't due to any surge in patriotic feeling. Recruitment numbers are primarily about money. It's that simple.

"The update comes on the heels of a good recruiting and retention year for the service. The Army ended 2019 with an end-strength of almost 484,000 active duty soldiers. The service was originally aiming for just 478,000. [...] As for the the 500,000-soldier goal, Army leaders have cautioned in the past that it could fluctuate, but when they were bearish, it was usually due to a strong economy that made for a poor recruiting environment." (

"'Perhaps most surprising, we discover a disconnect between respondents with military experience and their families: The former are more likely to acknowledge that pay and benefits are a primary motivation for service, whereas their families are more likely to embrace a patriotic service narrative,' according to the study." (
Oscar Mulligan
Ofcourse it has meaning, with out our blood hiw else would we force countries to use the jewish banking system? Hiw would we enrich oil companies and defense contractors adding value to the stock market!
I did my part, in the middle east...every one should sacrifice themselves at the alter of the golden cow.
I think as the left solidified it's power that the military will be used against citizens
Why would you join? The country hates whites, Allows degens and fighting for endless wars for our “greatest ally”. Then come home to those “just an idea” to burn the flag you swore an oath on. While the feds arrest you for the hate crime you might commit.
it's always a good idea to have some of /ourguys/ in there regardless.
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