So let's try this @discussbot thing. If everything works, there should be a comment button below this message...


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This is also good, but what's inside the mobogram is much more efficient and makes it easier to use.
Have no clue of that. Since I do not trust much on such ambiguous thrid-party clients... I have not much to say, but I like the design in X. Maybe I am wrong 😅
If it was inside the telegram, it would be much better. It's really hard to do this
Good news, 😊 you can reply to comments right from inside of the bot, just like ordinary telegram replies.

But for reading other comments of course you still need to enter that in-app browser.
Написал бы кто-нить как им пользоваться что ли...
Makes this feature less appealing I think. It would have been better to have a separate part for this feature within the app
Estonia rulez! is blocked in IRAN! 😭
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