This is not Catholicism.


He's a Woke Pope!
This is in direct contradiction with the Bible's teachings.
Goodness, even Protestants know this isn't Catholicism. Incredible.
The Roman church will probably break apart after the 2023 synod.
Diego Cyd
Goodness, even Protestants know this isn't Catholicism. Incredible.
I think Brittany is Catholic. I'm reading her book, and in a few pages she mentions herself praying rosaries
If you read catholic catechism they believe that Muslims also believe in the same God, "841 The Church's relationship with the Muslims. " search in Google
You're 💯 right. If it goes against basic Catholic values and teachings and a majority of Catholics reject it then it doesn't matter what position he holds, it doesn't reflect or represent Catholicism.
Clemens Metternich
I'm pretty sure Benedict regrets his decision to resign by now.
I hope and pray that all good willing Catholics can see this and all the contradictions and inconsistencies in the teachings and history of modern Rome, and come back to Orthodoxy❤️
Correct, it's open heresy
This pope is an Anti-Christ.
"1 Corinthians 6:9 9 Do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived. Neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor homosexuals, nor sodomites."
Unless Mr. P wants to just go in the ways of the world and just make it up as he goes I really do not see how he can even say Homosexuality is acceptable by God. We use the Bible and the Holy Spirit to shape, mold our faith and life. His statement is Heritical. People may deal with homosexual desires, the same way a thief, adulterer, fornicator etc. who is trying to be a "Good" Christian. We turn from these things and try to live the life that God intended for us not the life that Satan helped to distort.
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