About the bot, when you use the faucet :

- wait to get the captcha picture
- then click on it to see it entirely
- and write the math result...
- join telegram channels + follow twitter
- enter your twitter username
- Done!

Do it carefully because after too much fails, you could be blocked from the faucet feature. For now, blocked people are allowed again...

Dont forget to share your own link (/share) to earn from your referrals.


Show 11 more comments
/faucet command
Thales Emannoel
Hey guys, faucet down? Been trying all day but not responding..
today I got banned.. again!!?? why?? its not my fault the faucet not responded when I click /faucet.. I click 3 times and I waited for about 6 hour. and now, the faucet responded but unfortunately I got banned!! wtf!!!???
I've been banned as well for trying to use the faucet while it wasn't responding... Any way of resetting?
Daddy Stone
Emjay 🎪
Dont put @
Thank you Emjay. It worked.
Bot is ok now.. Yessss! Thanks
Daddy Stone
Same here.
Don't put @. It worked for me.