BTC withdrawal fees lowered !


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Nhung Mai
Jimoh Habib
This is scame or no?
Murali Krishna
good initiative to lower the withdrawal fee. but Faucethub is still showing and withdrawal to regular wallet is not enabled
So I wish to ask Which way withdrawal is processed
Trying to log in and I'm getting the no valid account message
Salim93 Agus
Please help my account was banned please help i did not do anything wrong. This is my only account
Kenapa saya tidak bisa login lagi..
Padahal saya mendapatkan refferal baru...why..why ..myour system' error'??
I get new refferal..but ..your website cant to login...
That's very good allcoiners 🙂
is it any problems with miner? i can mine, it says connection reset by peer
Why i can not withdral my assets
I have not received any confirmation mail from my withdrawal yet
Semeinon Moyo
Hello all coins. I have completed mining using command miner and i cashed out to BTC but the money is not appearing in my balances. I would like to know how long it takes for the money to appear in my account. Please assist me
por qué el token IDA no se puede cambiar a otras monedas
why the IDA token cannot be changed to other currencies
Candy Iyke
Maybe it's been long you logged in?
I am having an issue. I tried to log in to my acct on all coins and all of a sudden I have no account and all the mining that I have done which was active still mining is now all of a sudden lost or gone.... Like as if.. what do I do??? Anyone? I can't even msg them as with no account you aren't able to contact anyone